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The highest rated Digital Patient Engagement podcast online, The Digital Patient takes an “edu-taining” approach to all things digital patient care. Guests include: Dr. Becket Mahnke (Chief Medical Information Officer @ Confluence Health), Duska Kennedy (Chief Digital Officer @ North York General Hospital), Devin Gross (former CEO @ Emmi), Dr. David Putrino (Director of Rehabilitation Innovation @ The Mount Sinai Health System), Dr. Jay B. Shah (Chief of Staff, Stanford Health Care),  and many more.

Featured Episode

E1: Company Origins
A Conversation With SeamlessMD CEO, Dr. Joshua Liu

In the inaugural episode of the SeamlessMD Show, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, discusses the company backstory, how he was introduced to Patient Safety, Quality and Readmissions, technology early adopters, and other fun stories from “the come up”.

Dr. Joshua Liu
CEO & Co-Founder at SeamlessMD
Play episode

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TDP 171: UofU Health’s Laura Marquez: Dark Green v. Light Green Dollars For ROI, Why Healthcare Leaders Need to be More Comfortable Killing Old Tech, and How Patients are the Most Underutilized Care Team Members

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Laura Marquez, Sr. Director for Digital Transformation at University of Utah Health, about "Dark Green v. Light Green Dollars For ROI, Why Healthcare Leaders Need to be More Comfortable Killing Old Tech, How Patients are the Most Underutilized Care Team Members, and more..."

March 21, 2025

TDP 170: HIMSS 2025 Debrief: Riding the Epic Banana, The "Cream Incident", and Revealing the Most Provocative Ideas we Heard

On this special solo episode of The Digital Patient, Josh and Alan recap their experience at HIMSS 2025 in Las Vegas, covering the biggest trends in AI, digital health, and interoperability while sharing some conference misadventures, from navigating Vegas casinos to the Great Vegas Waffle mishap at the opening reception.

March 18, 2025

TDP 169: Allegheny Health Network’s Joseph Seliski & Dr. James Solava: Piloting 3 AI Scribes at Once, Reducing Friction for Clinicians to Use AI, and Rethinking Medical Education in the World of AI

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Joey Seliski, Director, Technology Strategy and Digital Health at Allegheny Health Network, and Dr. James Solava, Medical Director, Clinical Informatics at Allegheny Health Network, about "Piloting 3 AI Scribes at Once, Reducing Friction for Clinicians to Use AI, Rethinking Medical Education in the World of AI, and more..."

March 13, 2025

TDP 168: ViVE 2025 Debrief: AI Hype vs Reality, What Are Ambient Scribe Vendors Actually Building Next, and Was it Really Worth Going To?

On this special solo episode of The Digital Patient, Josh and Alan recap their experience at ViVE 2025 in Nashville—from key takeaways on AI’s growing pains to health system reinvention and some hilarious behind-the-scenes moments. They share standout ideas from top speakers, discuss the shifting landscape of digital health, and rate everything from conference swag to Nashville hot chicken.

February 28, 2025

TDP 167: UChicago Medicine’s CMIO Dr. Sachin Shah: Why Clinicians Must Stay in the Driver’s Seat of AI, The Risk of De-Skilling Clinicians with AI Documentation, and Tackling Digital Health Equity

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Sachin D. Shah, Chief Medical Information Officer at UChicago Medicine, about "Why Clinicians Must Stay in the Driver’s Seat of AI, The Risk of De-Skilling Clinicians with AI Documentation, and Tackling Digital Health Equity, and more..."

February 10, 2025

TDP 166: Memorial Healthcare System’s CDIO Jeff Sturman: Getting the Right Sponsorship Early to Scale Digital Health, Balancing Innovation with Keeping the Lights on, and The Promise of Digital Twins

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Jeffrey Sturman, CDIO at Memorial Healthcare System, about "Getting the Right Sponsorship Early to Scale Digital Health, Balancing Innovation with Keeping the Lights on, The Promise of Digital Twins, and more..."

February 3, 2025

TDP 165: UnityPoint Health’s Regional CMIO Dr. Jon Senkler: The Ideal Clinical AI Co-Pilot, Why AI is like a Scalpel that can help or harm, and How Ambient AI Reduces in-the-moment Cognitive Burden

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Jon Senkler, Regional CMIO at UnityPoint Health, about "The ideal Clinical AI Co-Pilot, Why AI is like a Scalpel that can help or harm, How Ambient AI Reduces in-the-moment Cognitive Burden, and more..."

January 30, 2025

TDP 164: NYU Langone Health's CMIO Dr. Paul Testa: How being a Lawyer made him a Different Type of CMIO, NYU's Approach to Generative AI, and Shifting the EHR from Inputs to Outputs in the Next Decade

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Paul Testa, CMIO at NYU Langone Health, about "How being a Lawyer made him a Different Type of CMIO, NYU's Approach to Generative AI, Shifting the EHR from Inputs to Outputs in the Next Decade, and more..."

January 27, 2025

TDP 163: MetroHealth’s Chief Health AI Officer Dr. Yasir Tarabichi: How to Succeed with AI Sepsis Models (where others failed), Using AI to Fix Broken Processes, and Why Informatics Should Lead AI

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Yasir Tarabichi, Chief Health AI Officer at The MetroHealth System, about "How to Succeed with AI Sepsis Models (where others failed), Using AI to Fix Broken Processes, Why Informatics Should Lead AI, and more..."

January 23, 2025

TDP 162: UCHealth’s Dr. Richard Zane: Eliminating Pilotitis, Balancing Innovation with Financial Realities, and Simplifying Clinical Workflows Before Adding AI

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Richard (Rich) Zane, Chief Innovation Officer at UC Health, about "Eliminating Pilotitis, Balancing Innovation with Financial Realities, Simplifying Clinical Workflows Before Adding AI, and more..."

January 20, 2025

TDP 161: City of Hope’s Associate CMIO Dr. Finly Zachariah: AI for Palliative Care, Gaps in Palliative Care Today and Spinning Out a Startup From a Hospital to Solve Them

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Finly Zachariah, Associate CMIO at City of Hope, and CMO at Empower Hope, about "AI for Palliative Care, Gaps in Palliative Care Today and Spinning Out a Startup From a Hospital to Solve Them, and more..."

January 16, 2025

TDP 160: Inova Health’s CMO Dr. Neeta Goel: Using Tech to Scale Depression Screenings Across the Health System, Eliminating Low-Value Care, and Does Charging for MyChart Messages Work?

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Neeta Goel, Chief Medical Officer, Clinically-Integrated Network, and VP, Clinical Excellence, Ambulatory Services at Inova Health, about "Using Tech to Scale Depression Screenings Across the Health System, Eliminating Low-Value Care, and Does Charging for MyChart Messages Work?"

January 13, 2025

TDP 159: Hennepin Healthcare’s Brian Imdieke: From Human to AI Scribes, How to Optimize Clinician Adoption with AI, and Bridging Innovation Gaps in Safety Net Hospitals

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Brian Imdieke, Provider Informaticist, Nurse Practitioner, and Former Interim CHIO at Hennepin Healthcare, about "The Evolution From Human to AI Scribes, How to Optimize Clinician Adoption with AI, Bridging Innovation Gaps in Safety Net Hospitals, and more..."

January 9, 2025

TDP 158: UPMC's CMIO Dr. Rob Bart: What CMIOs Can Learn From Working at Health IT Vendors, Reducing Bias with AI, and Building Context-Aware Decision Support

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Rob Bart, Chief Medical Information Officer at UPMC, about "What CMIOs Can Learn From Working at Health IT Vendors, Reducing Bias with AI, Building Context-Aware Decision Support, and more..."

January 6, 2025

TDP 157: Virtua Health's Dr. Tarun Kapoor: Why ‘Top of License’ Is ‘Top of Burnout’, What Healthcare Can Learn from Netflix About Digital Transformation, and Adapting to the Quadruple Storm in Healthcare

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Tarun Kapoor, Chief Digital Transformation Officer at Virtua Health, about "Why ‘Top of License’ Is ‘Top of Burnout’, What Healthcare Can Learn from Netflix About Digital Transformation, Adapting to the Quadruple Storm in Healthcare, and more..."

December 19, 2024

TDP 156: KLAS Research's Adam Cherrington: What Healthcare Can Learn from the DMV, The Power of Patient Voice, and Red Flags and Green Flags for Patient-Centric Vendors

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Adam Cherrington, VP of Digital Health at KLAS Research, about "What Healthcare Can Learn from the DMV, The Power of Patient Voice, Red Flags and Green Flags for Patient-Centric Vendors, and more..."

December 12, 2024

TDP 155: Ochsner Health’s CMIO Dr. Louis Jeansonne: Pioneering Draft AI Responses for Patient Messages, The Potential of AI-powered Surgical Robots, and What it Takes to Achieve Epic 10 Gold Stars

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Louis Jeansonne, Chief Medical Information Officer at Ochsner Health, about "Pioneering Draft AI Responses for Patient Messages, The Potential of AI-powered Surgical Robots, What it Takes to Achieve Epic 10 Gold Stars, and more..."

December 6, 2024

TDP 154: UChicago Medicine's CMIO Dr. Cheng-Kai Kao: Using Simulations to Design the Optimal Hospital at Home, Elevating Clinician AI Literacy, and Calculating ROI for Hospital at Home

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Kai Kao, Chief Medical Information Officer at UChicago Medicine, about "Using Simulations to Design the Optimal Hospital at Home, Elevating Clinician AI Literacy, Calculating ROI for Hospital at Home, and more..."

November 28, 2024

TDP 153: Endeavor Health's Dr. Nirav Shah: AI-Driven SDoH Insights, Identifying Domestic Violence with NLP, and Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Data?

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Nirav Shah, Medical Director of Quality Innovation and Clinical Practice Analytics at Endeavor Health, about "AI-Driven SDoH Insights, Identifying Domestic Violence with NLP, Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Data?" and more...

November 22, 2024

TDP 152: Bon Secours Mercy Health’s Dr. Mark Townsend: Why Project Owners Must Have Skin in the Game for New Tech, Navigating Mission Creep with AI, and Why “Situational Awareness” Prevents Innovation Failure

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Mark Townsend, Chief Clinical Digital Ventures Officer at Bon Secours Mercy Health, about "Why Project Owners Must Have Skin in the Game for New Tech, Navigating Mission Creep with AI, Why “Situational Awareness” Prevents Innovation Failure, and more..."

November 15, 2024

TDP 151: SSM Health’s CMIO: Dr. Ann Cappellari: A call to preserve the art of medicine, How to bridge the value of Tech when clinical ROI doesn't align with business ROI, and Should clinician burnout really be measured by number of clicks?

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Ann Cappellari, CMIO at SSM Health, about "A call to preserve the art of medicine, How to bridge the value of Tech when clinical ROI doesn't align with business ROI, Should clinician burnout really be measured by number of clicks, and more..."

November 8, 2024

TDP 150: Yale’s CHIO Dr. Allen Hsiao: Why AI draft responses to patient portal messages have underwhelmed so far, Using AI scribes in the ED, and How to use MyChart for Equitable Research Participation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Allen Hsiao, CHIO at Yale New Haven Health System and Yale School of Medicine, about "Why AI draft responses to patient portal messages have underwhelmed so far, Using AI scribes in the ED, How to use MyChart for Equitable Research Participation, and more..."

November 1, 2024

TDP 149: CHA’s CMIO and Shift’s Co-Founder, Dr. Hannah Galvin: Equitable Interoperability, Making AI Scribes Work for Pediatrics, and Building National Standards for Data Segmentation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Hannah Galvin, CMIO at Cambridge Health Alliance, and Co-Founder at Shift Health Care Task Force, about "Equitable Interoperability, Making AI Scribes Work for Pediatrics, Building National Standards for Data Segmentation, and more..."

October 24, 2024

TDP 148: Becker's Health IT conference recap: Most provocative ideas we heard, podcast guest cameos, putting vendors in the dungeon, and are we really OK moving to the Hyatt?

On this special episode of The Digital Patient, hosts Alan Sardana and Dr. Joshua Liu reflect on their time at Becker’s 9th Annual Health IT + Digital Health + RCM Meeting in Chicago. This episode focuses on their experiences at the event, discussing everything from the most provocative ideas they heard to valuable vendor insights from the dungeon... and tips on how to make the most out of healthcare conferences.

October 17, 2024

TDP 147: Northwestern Medicine’s Director of Innovation, Kali Arduini Ihde: Scaling AI Scribes, Launching a Start Up Accelerator, and Creating a Safe Space for Innovation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Kali Arduini Ihde, Director of Innovation at Northwestern Medicine, about "Scaling AI Scribes, Launching a Start Up Accelerator, Creating a Safe Space for Innovation, and more..."

October 10, 2024

TDP 146: NerdMDs Co-founder & Heidi Health CMO Dr. Adam Carewe: What Actually Happened at Kaiser Permanente with AI Scribes, How CMIOs Think About Vendor Selection, Problems Old Culture Orgs face with New Tech

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Adam Carewe, Co-founder at NerdMDs, and CMO at Heidi Health, about "What actually happened at Kaiser Permanente with AI Scribes, How CMIOs think about Vendor Selection, Problems Old Culture Orgs face with New Tech, and more..."

September 26, 2024

TDP 145: Duke’s Chief Analytics & Medical Information Officer, Dr. Armando Bedoya: How Nutrition Labels Can De-Risk AI, Understanding Behavioral Economics for AI Adoption, and Alleviating Admin Burden with AI

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Armando Bedoya, Chief Analytics & Medical Information Officer at Duke University Health System, about "How Nutrition Labels Can De-Risk AI, Understanding Behavioral Economics for AI Adoption, Alleviating Admin Burden with AI, and more..."

September 19, 2024

TDP 144: UK HealthCare's CMIO, Dr. Romil Chadha: Building Solutions on Paper First, When to Introduce Friction vs. Automation, and Why Too Many Measures Can Hurt Healthcare

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Romil Chadha, Chief Medical Information Officer at UK HealthCare, about "Building Solutions on Paper First, When to Introduce Friction vs. Automation, Why Too Many Measures Can Hurt Healthcare, and more..."

September 12, 2024

TDP 143: The Guthrie Clinic’s CDO, Terri Couts: Phishing Your Own Staff to Improve Cybersecurity, Why AI is a Tool and Not The Whole Solution, and Focusing on Solving Root Problems

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Terri Couts, SVP and Chief Digital Officer at The Guthrie Clinic, about "Phishing Your Own Staff to Improve Cybersecurity, Why AI is a Tool and Not The Whole Solution, Focusing on Solving Root Problems, and more..."

September 5, 2024

TDP 142: MUSC's Enterprise Chief Digital Transformation Officer, Crystal Broj: Launching Emily—MUSC's AI Patient Access Phone System, Using RPA for Preventative Care, and Embracing Imperfect Pilots for Practical Improvements

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Crystal Broj, Enterprise Chief Digital Transformation Officer at MUSC, about "Launching Emily—MUSC's AI Patient Access Phone System, Using RPA for Preventative Care, Embracing Imperfect Pilots for Practical Improvements, and more..."

August 29, 2024

TDP 141: Northern Light Health's System CMIO, Dr. Michael Ross: How AI will improve eConsults, Talking with Medical Assistants to determine physician fit for AI Scribes, and How asynchronous patient care will look in the future

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Michael Ross, System CMIO at Optum (supporting Northern Light Health), about "How AI will improve eConsults with contextual summarization, Talking with Medical Assistants to determine physician fit for AI Scribes, How asynchronous patient care will look in the future, and more..."

August 22, 2024

TDP 140: CoxHealth’s Summer Blackerby and Gina Ellerbee: Launching a Virtual Nursing Pilot in 9 Days, Scaling Virtual Care Beyond the Pilot, and Shifting From Task-Based Workflows to Patient-Centered Collaboration While Reducing Burnout

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Summer Blackerby, Chief Nursing Information Officer at CoxHealth, and Gina Ellerbee, Administrative Director of Nursing Practice and Professional Development at CoxHealth, about "Launching a Virtual Nursing Pilot in 9 Days, Scaling Virtual Care Beyond the Pilot, Shifting From Task-Based Workflows to Patient-Centered Collaboration While Reducing Burnout, and more..."

August 15, 2024

TDP 139: UCSD's CCIO, Dr. Christopher Longhurst: Pioneering AI-generated patient message drafts, Why implementation will make or break your innovation, and Bridging the gap between AI performance and outcomes

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Christopher Longhurst, Chief Clinical and Innovation Officer at UCSD, about "Pioneering AI-generated patient message drafts, Why implementation will make or break your innovation, Bridging the gap between AI performance and outcomes, and more..."

August 8, 2024

TDP 138: UVM's Drs. McEntee & Stinnett-Donnelly: Assessing AI Scribes via Crossover Comparison, Why AI needs more Patient Safety Research before use on Clinical Care, and How to Sunset Old Tech Processes

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Drs. Rachel McEntee, CMIO, and Justin Stinnett-Donnelly, Associate VP, Business Owner for Inpatient and Ancillary Applications at University of Vermont Health Network, about "Assessing AI Scribes via Crossover Comparison, Why AI needs more Patient Safety Research before use on Clinical Care, How to Sunset Old Tech Processes, and more..."

August 1, 2024

TDP 137: Advocate's Strategy Advisor, Colleen Hole: Deep Dive on Hospital at Home: Navigating Regulatory Challenges, Dealing with Misaligned Incentives, and Improving Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Wellbeing

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Colleen Hole, Strategy Advisor for Innovation and Commercialization at Advocate Health, about "Hospital at Home: Navigating Regulator Challenges, Dealing with Misaligned Incentives, Improving Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Wellbeing, and more..."

July 25, 2024

TDP 136: UI Health's CMIO, Dr. David Chestek: Why AI Scribes Will Never Have 100% Clinician Adoption (and that's OK), How to Pick Representative User Groups for Health Tech Pilots, and Why Wearables Pose a Problem

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. David Chestek, CMIO at University of Illinois Health, about "Why AI Scribes Will Never Have 100% Clinician Adoption (and that's OK), How to Pick Representative User Groups for Health Tech Pilots, Why Wearables Pose a Problem, and more..."

July 18, 2024

TDP 135: Baptist Memorial's CMIO, Dr. Jake Lancaster: Adapting How You Talk About AI to Get Stakeholder Adoption, Saving Nurses 20 Minutes Per Shift Without Tech, and Exploring Systemic Healthcare Issues Through Fiction

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Jake Lancaster, CMIO at Baptist Memorial Health Care, about "Adapting How You Talk About AI to Get Stakeholder Adoption, Saving Nurses 20 Minutes Per Shift Without Tech, Exploring Systemic Healthcare Issues Through Fiction, the Arthurian Legend, and 90s Music, and more...""

July 11, 2024

TDP 134: UMass Memorial Health Care’s CQO & CCIO, Dr. Eric Alper: Strategies for Scaling Hospital at Home, Exploring the Intersection of Informatics and Quality, and How Incentives Drive Patient Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Eric Alper, CQO / CCIO at UMass Memorial Health Care, about "Strategies for Scaling Hospital at Home, Exploring the Intersection of Informatics and Quality, How Incentives Drive Patient Care, and more...."

June 27, 2024

TDP 133: Memorial Healthcare System's CMIO, Dr. Jennifer Goldman: Eliminating Over 800,000 Daily Clicks, Actioning SDoH Data, and Mastering Change Management in a WFH Environment

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Jennifer Goldman, CMIO at Memorial Healthcare System, about "Eliminating Over 800,000 Daily Clicks, Actioning SDoH Data, and Mastering Change Management in a WFH Environment, and more...."

June 20, 2024

TDP 132: Mass General Brigham’s CMIO, Dr. Rebecca Mishuris: Safeguarding Relationships with AI, Turning Skeptics into Champions, and Prioritizing Practical Wins Over Theoretical Benefits

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Rebecca Mishuris, CMIO at Mass General Brigham, about "Safeguarding Relationships with AI, Turning Skeptics into Champions, Prioritizing Practical Wins Over Theoretical Benefits, and more...."

June 13, 2024

TDP 131: Fraser Health's VP, Digital Patient & Provider Experience, Jennifer MacGregor: Developing AI Copilots for Healthcare Efficiency, Launching Fraser's Digital Front Door, Why Being Kind Doesn't mean Being Nice

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Jennifer MacGregor, VP, Digital Patient and Provider Experience at Fraser Health, about "Developing AI Copilots for Healthcare Efficiency, Launching Fraser's Digital Front Door, Why Being Kind Doesn't mean Being Nice, and more...."

June 6, 2024

TDP 130: IU Health's CMIO, Dr. Emily Webber: Mastering AI Governance, Harnessing Listening as a Superpower, and Bridging the Tech and Healthcare Cultures

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Emily Webber, CMIO at IU Health, about "Mastering AI Governance, Harnessing Listening as a Superpower, Bridging the Tech and Healthcare Cultures, and more...."

May 30, 2024

TDP 129: UCI Health's CMIO, Dr. Deepti Pandita: Evaluating ROI for Ambient, Identifying Root Causes for Clinician Burnout, and Talking to Users Before Building

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Deepti Pandita, CMIO at UCI Health, about "Evaluating ROI for Ambient, Identifying Root Causes for Clinician Burnout, Talking to Users Before Building, and more...."

May 23, 2024

TDP 128: Tidal Health’s CIO & CMIO, Dr. Mark Weisman: Targeting >50% clinician adoption with Ambient, Replacing the Pager, and Envisioning Patient-Centered Bots Interacting with Bots

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Mark Weisman, CIO / CMIO at Tidal Health, about "Targeting >50% clinician adoption with Ambient, Replacing the Pager, Envisioning Patient-Centered Bots Interacting with Bots, and more...."

May 16, 2024

TDP 127: UCI’s Vice Chancellor, Information, Technology and Data & CDO, Tom Andriola: How Regulatory Environments Set the Pace for Innovation, Operating as a Data Company, and Championing Consumer-Driven Healthcare

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Tom Andriola, Vice Chancellor, Information, Technology and Data & Chief Digital Officer at UC Irvine, about "How Regulatory Environments Set the Pace for Innovation, Operating as a Data Company, Championing Consumer-Driven Healthcare, and more..."

May 10, 2024

TDP 126: Carilion Clinic's Associate CMIO, Dr. Marcus Speaker: Balancing AI Adoption with Value, How Coffee Machines Foster Greater Connection, and Using Existing Tech to Its Full Capacity

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Marcus Speaker, Associate CMIO at Carilion Clinic, about "Balancing AI Adoption with Value, How Coffee Machines Foster Greater Connection, Using Existing Tech to Its Full Capacity, and more..."

April 18, 2024

TDP 125: Baptist Health’s CDIO, Aaron Miri: Empowering Clinicians to Develop with Low-Code Tools, When It's Better to Partner with a Startup v. Rely on the EHR, and Consolidating Tech Stack for Efficiency

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Aaron Miri, CDIO at Baptist Health, about "Empowering Clinicians to Develop with Low-Code Tools, When It's Better to Partner with a Startup v. Rely on the EHR, Consolidating Tech Stack for Efficiency, and more..."

April 4, 2024

TDP 124: HIMSS24 Recap: HIMSS vs. HLTH, Comparing Epic, Cerner & MEDITECH's Approach to AI Scribes, Virtual Nursing, Networking Do's and Don'ts and... Pirates of the Caribbean?

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana share a recap of HIMSS24 including "HIMSS v. HLTH, Comparing Epic, Cerner & MEDITECH's Approach to AI Scribes, Virtual Nursing, Networking Do's and Don'ts, and more..."

March 27, 2024

TDP 123: University of Wisconsin’s CDIO, Chero Goswami: Empowering IT to Own Outcomes, Why Every Healthcare Leader Must Know Economics, and Chero’s 3G Philosophy on Service Excellence

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Chero Goswami, CIDO at University of Wisconsin Health System, about "Empowering IT to Own Outcomes, Why Every Healthcare Leader Must Know Economics, Chero's 3G Philosophy on Service Excellence, and more..."

March 21, 2024

TDP 122: Bronson Healthcare’s CIO, Dr. Ash Goel: Leadership Lessons from Mountain Climbing, Adapting to AI, and Tackling Hyperspecialization in Healthcare

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Ash Goel, CIO at Bronson Healthcare, about "Leadership Lessons from Mountain Climbing, Adapting to AI, Tackling Hyperspecialization in Healthcare, and more..."

March 7, 2024

TDP 121: UR Medicine's CDHO, Dr. Michael Hasselberg: Frontiers in Telepsychiatry, Open-Source Innovation, Why Healthcare Startups Should Focus on Higher Level Problems

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with UR Medicine's CDHO, Dr. Michael Hasselberg, about "Frontiers in Telepsychiatry, Open-Source Innovation, Why Startups Should Focus on Higher Level Problems, and more..."

February 29, 2024

TDP 120: Baptist Health's CMIO, Dr. Brett Oliver: Championing Ambient Voice Tech, Safe AI Rollouts, and The Future of Remote Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Baptist Health's CMIO, Dr. Brett Oliver, about "Championing Ambient Voice Tech, Safe AI Rollouts, The Future of Remote Care, and more..."

February 22, 2024

TDP 119: Nuvance Health's CMIO, Dr. Albert Villarin: Overcoming EHR Biases, Ending Faxing via Digital Patient Empowerment, and Automating SDoH Collection and Geo-Social Programs in EHRs

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Nuvance Health's CMIO, Dr. Albert Villarin, about "Overcoming EHR Biases, Ending Faxing via Digital Patient Empowerment, Automating SDoH Collection and Geo-Social Programs in EHRs, and more..."

February 8, 2024

TDP 118: Providence's Chief of Virtual Care & Digital Health, Dr. Eve Cunningham: Extending Care Through Full-Stack RPM, AI-Driven Accurate & Appropriate Specialty Referrals and Empowering Global Teams to Accelerate Healthcare Tech

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Providence's Chief of Virtual Care and Digital Health, Dr. Eve Cunningham, about "Extending Care Through Full-Stack RPM, AI-Driven Accurate & Appropriate Specialty Referrals, Empowering Global Teams to Accelerate Healthcare Tech, and more..."

January 25, 2024

TDP 117: MaineHealth's CIO, Dr. Daniel Nigrin: From DJ to Physician CIO, Thinking About Scale Before You Pilot, and Exploring AI With Eyes Wide Open

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with MaineHealth's CIO, Dr. Daniel Nigrin, about his journey "From DJ to Physician CIO, Thinking About Scale Before You Pilot, Exploring AI With Eyes Wide Open, and more..."

January 11, 2024

TDP 116: MultiCare's CIO, Bradd Busick: How to Build Trust and a Winning Team Culture, Implementing Autonomous In-Hospital Robots to Reduce Nursing Burdens, and Simplifying IT Through Storytelling

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with MultiCare's CIO, Bradd Busick, about "How to Build Trust and a Winning Team Culture, Implementing Autonomous In-Hospital Robots to Reduce Nursing Burdens, Simplifying IT Through Storytelling, and more..."

December 28, 2023

TDP 115: Vanderbilt's CIO, HealthIT, Dr. Neal Patel: Pragmatic Views on AI and Why Virtual Nursing Will Be as Ubiquitous as WiFi

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Northwell Health's CMIO, Dr. Sophia Saleem, about "Personalized interventions to Tackle Provider Burnout, Shifting Healthcare Focus From Transactions to Patient Access & Engagement, Turning Skeptics Into Teachers, and more..."

December 14, 2023

TDP 114: Northwell Health's CMIO, Dr. Sophia Saleem: Personalized Interventions to Tackle Provider Burnout, Shifting Healthcare Focus From Transactions to Patient Access & Engagement, and Turning Skeptics Into Teachers

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Northwell Health's CMIO, Dr. Sophia Saleem, about "Personalized interventions to Tackle Provider Burnout, Shifting Healthcare Focus From Transactions to Patient Access & Engagement, Turning Skeptics Into Teachers, and more..."

November 30, 2023

TDP 113: Lehigh Valley’s CHIO, Dr. Maulik Purohit: Building Guardrails to Prevent Complacency, Healthy AI Skepticism, and The Power of Daily 1% Improvement

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Lehigh Valley's CHIO, Dr. Maulik Purohit, about "Building Guardrails to Prevent Complacency, Healthy AI Skepticism, The Power of Daily 1% Improvement, and more..."

November 16, 2023

TDP 112: Sutter West Bay Region's CMIO, Dr. Matt Sakumoto: Being a Virtual-First Primary Care Doc, Tips to improve Digital Empathy, and Working as a Team to Reduce Clinician Burnout

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Sutter West Bay Region's Virtual-First Primary Care Physician and Chief Medical Information Officer, Dr. Matthew Sakumoto, about "Being a Virtual-First Primary Care Doc, Tips to improve Digital Empathy, Working as a Team to Reduce Clinician Burnout, and more..."

November 2, 2023

TDP 111: Augmedix Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Ian Shakil: Ambient Voice Scribes v. No Scribes, Partnering With Google to Beat the Competition & Smashing Clinician Burnout with a Sledgehammer

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Augmedix Founder, Director, and Chief Strategy Officer, Ian Shakil, about "Ambient Voice Scribes v. No Scribes, Partnering With Google to Beat the Competition, Smashing Clinician Burnout with a Sledgehammer, and more..."

October 19, 2023

TDP 110: BJC HealthCare's System CMO, Dr. Bruce Hall: The Evolution of Healthcare Quality, Transforming Medicine With Data, and Strategies to Improve Frontline Buy-In for Quality

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with BJC HealthCare's Vice President and System CMO, Dr. Bruce Hall, about "The Evolution of Healthcare Quality, Transforming Medicine With Data, Strategies to Improve Frontline Buy-In for Quality, and more..."

October 5, 2023

TDP 109: Interior Health's VP, Digital Health, Brent Kruschel: Why Listening is a Superpower for Digital Health Success, How Enabling Autonomy Leads to Healthcare Worker Retention, and Learning from Failures to Drive Innovation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Interior Health's VP, Digital Health, Brent Kruschel, about "Why Listening is a Superpower for Digital Health Success, How Enabling Autonomy Leads to Healthcare Worker Retention, Learning from Failures to Drive Innovation, and more..."

August 31, 2023

TDP 108: UH's Chief Quality & Clinical Transformation Officer, Dr. Peter Pronovost: Leading With Love to Drive Innovation, Eliminating Value Defects Across a Health System, and Implementing Enhanced Recovery Across 15 Service Lines During a Pandemic

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with UH's Chief Quality & Clinical Transformation Officer, Dr. Peter Pronovost, about "Leading With Love to Drive Innovation, Eliminating Value Defects Across a Health System, Implementing Enhanced Recovery Across 15 Service Lines During a Pandemic, and more..."

August 10, 2023

TDP 107: MEDITECH's COO, Helen Waters: Redesigning The EHR From The Ground Up, Leading With Boldness and Humility, and Utilizing LLMs and NLP to Empower Clinicians With Informed Decisions

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with MEDITECH's COO, Helen Waters, about "Redesigning The EHR From The Ground Up, Leading With Boldness and Humility, Utilizing LLMs and NLP to Empower Clinicians With Informed Decisions, and more..."

July 27, 2023

TDP 106: BJC HealthCare’s VP, Digital & Innovation, Dr. Thomas Maddox: Shark Tank Competitions For Innovation Within a Health System, Launching an Innovation Lab to Scale Digital Health, and Using Data to Facilitate Proactive Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with BJC HealthCare's VP of Digital Products & Innovation, Dr. Thomas Maddox, about "Shark Tank Competitions to Stimulate Innovation Within a Health System, Launching a Healthcare Innovation Lab to Scale Digital Health, Using Data to Facilitate Proactive Care, and more..."

July 13, 2023

TDP 105: WakeMed's CIO, Dr. Peter Marks & CMIO, Dr. Neal Chawla: Fostering a Successful CIO <> CMIO Dyad, Collaborating with Hospital Boards to Drive Digital Transformation, and Leveraging Transparency to Empower Clinicians

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with WakeMed's CIO, Dr. Peter Marks, and CMIO, Dr. Neal Chawla, about "Fostering a Successful CIO <> CMIO Dyad, Collaborating with Hospital Boards to Drive Digital Transformation, Leveraging Transparency to Empower Clinicians, and more..."

May 18, 2023

TDP 104: Seattle Children's CDIO, Dr. Zafar Chaudry: Learning From the UK System for Digital Health, Earning Your Title Every Day, and Listening to Gen Z for Innovation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Seattle Children's Chief Digital & Information Officer, Dr. Zafar Chaudry, about "Learning From the UK System for Digital Health, Earning Your Title Every Day, Listening to Gen Z for Innovation, and more..."

May 11, 2023

TDP 103: Henry Ford Health's Dr. Eric Makhni: How to implement Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) to be standard of care, How to make PROM collection easy and invisible, and The value of building your network in healthcare

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Henry Ford Health's Dr. Eric Makhni, about "How to implement Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) to be standard of care, How to make PROM collection easy and invisible, The value of building your network in healthcare, and more..."

May 4, 2023

TDP 102: WellSpan Health's CMIO, Dr. Alexander Petron: Harnessing Ambient Voice Tech to Tackle Staff Burnout, Balancing Patient Satisfaction with Clinician Wellbeing, Knowing "Your Why" to drive Clinical Outcomes

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with WellSpan Health's CMIO, Dr. Alexander Petron, about "Harnessing Ambient Voice Tech to Tackle Staff Burnout, Balancing Patient Satisfaction with Clinician Wellbeing, Knowing "Your Why" to drive Clinical Outcomes, and more..."

April 27, 2023

TDP 101: Froedtert Health's CMIO, Dr. Keith Woeltje: Conversational AI for Healthcare, Creating Learning Health Systems, and Proactive Decision Support to Improve Patient Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Froedtert Health's CMIO, Dr. Keith Woeltje, about "Conversational AI for Healthcare, Creating Learning Health Systems, Proactive Decision Support to Improve Patient Care, and more..."

April 20, 2023

TDP 100: Divurgent's CEO, Edward Marx: How a personal health scare sparked innovation, Using empathy to fuel digital health transformation & Creating “listening posts” with clinical champions

On the 100th episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Divurgent's CEO, Edward Marx, about "How a personal health scare sparked innovation, Using empathy to fuel digital health transformation, Creating “listening posts” with clinical champions, and more..."

April 13, 2023

TDP 99: KeyCare's CEO, Dr. Lyle Berkowitz: Building the 1st Virtual Care Startup Directly Partnered with Epic, Advice for Physician Entrepreneurs, and The Need For Compensation Redesign to Reduce Physician Burnout

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with KeyCare's CEO/Founder, Dr. Lyle Berkowitz, about "Building the 1st Virtual Care Startup Directly Partnered with Epic, Advice for Physician Entrepreneurs, The Need For Compensation Redesign to Reduce Physician Burnout, and more..."

April 6, 2023

TDP 98: Monument Health's former CIO/CMIO, Dr. Stephanie Lahr: Transforming Healthcare Delivery With Digital Clinicians, Earning Clinician Trust Through Gradual A.I. Implementation, and Thinking Upstream to Solve For Root Problems

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Artisight's President, Dr. Stephanie Lahr, about "Transforming Healthcare Delivery With Digital Clinicians, Earning Clinician Trust Through Gradual A.I. Implementation, Thinking Upstream to Solve For Root Problems, and more..."

March 30, 2023

TDP 97: Novant Health's CHIO, Dr. Margaret Lozovatsky: How to Build the Right Culture for Digital Transformation, Connecting Technology with Clinician Needs, and Engaging Physician Skeptics

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Novant Health's Chief Health Informatics Officer, Dr. Margaret Lozovatsky, about "How to Build the Right Culture for Digital Transformation, Connecting Technology with Clinician Needs, Engaging Physician Skeptics, and more..."

March 23, 2023

TDP 96: UCHealth's CMIO, Dr. CT Lin: Measuring and Benchmarking Clinician NPS, Augmenting CDS with AI, and Making Clinical Informatics Fun (ft. Ukulele)

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with UCHealth's Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Dr. CT Lin, about "Measuring and Benchmarking Clinician NPS, Augmenting CDS with AI, Making Clinical Informatics Fun, and more..."

March 16, 2023

TDP 95: University of Utah Health's CIO, Donna Roach: Maintaining a Culture of Curiosity & Innovation, Establishing the Right Governance For Your Digital Health Strategy, and How You’re a Consumer Always but a Patient Sometimes

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with University of Utah Health's Chief Information Officer, Donna Roach, about "Maintaining a Culture of Curiosity & Innovation, Establishing the Right Governance For Your Digital Health Strategy, How You’re a Consumer Always but a Patient Sometimes, and more..."

March 9, 2023

TDP 94: MUSC’s Vice Chair of Clinical Research & Applied Informatics, Dr. Heather Evans: Pioneering surgical wound monitoring, Tension between innovation and security in medical informatics, and Why Digital Health must integrate into existing workflows

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with MUSC's Vice Chair of Clinical Research & Applied Informatics, Dr. Heather Evans, about "Pioneering surgical wound monitoring, The tension between innovation and security in medical informatics, Why Digital Health must integrate into existing workflows, and more..."

March 2, 2023

TDP 93: Serial Chief of Surgery, Dr. Douglas Slakey: Creating a Team of Teams to Rapidly Implement ERAS Across a Health System, Learning from the Airline Industry to Optimize Healthcare Reliability, and more...

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Serial Chief of Surgery, Dr. Douglas Slakey, about "Creating a Team of Teams to Rapidly Implement ERAS Across a Health System, Learning from the Airline Industry to Optimize Healthcare Reliability, and Empowering People to do the Right Thing By Making it Easy"

February 23, 2023

TDP 92: UPMC’s VP, Clinical IT Transformation, Dr. Andrew Watson: Operationalizing Digital Health, the Evolution of Telehealth, and How Policy and Regulation Impact the Digital Health Landscape

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with UPMC's VP, Clinical IT Transformation, Dr. Andrew Watson, about "Operationalizing Digital Health, the Evolution of Telehealth, and How Policy and Regulation Impact the Digital Health Landscape"

February 16, 2023

TDP 91: Allegheny Health Network’s Chief Digital & Information Officer, Dr. Ashis Barad: Why Healthcare needs to be Designed for Consumers and not just Patients, Using Tech to Scale Trust, and Finding Clinical Champions to Win at Digital Health

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Allegheny Health Network's Chief Digital & Information Officer, Dr. Ashis Barad, about "Why Healthcare needs to be Designed for Consumers and not just Patients, Using Tech to Scale Trust, and more..."

February 9, 2023

TDP 90: RWJBarnabas Health’s Director of Digital Health, Harshal Shah: The importance of educating patients for digital transformation, understanding the complexities of the consumer journey, and more...

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with RWJBarnabas Health's Director of Digital Health, Harshal Shah, about "The importance of educating patients for digital transformation, understanding the complexities of the consumer journey, saying "Yes" to opportunities to learn & grow, and more..."

February 2, 2023

TDP 89: Former CommonSpirit Chief Information and Digital Officer Suja Chandra: Emerging Digital Health Trends, The potential for AI in healthcare, and How Big Tech is influencing Digital Health

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with CommonSpirit Health's former Chief Information & Digital Officer, Suja Chandra, about "Emerging Digital Health Trends, The potential for AI in healthcare, Big Tech's influence on Digital Health, and more..."

January 25, 2023

TDP 88: Mercy’s VP, Clinical Innovation, Dr. Damon Broyles: Why Digital/Innovation leaders must reduce burdens on healthcare staff & Incubating healthtech startups to align with community needs

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Mercy's VP, Clinical Innovation, Dr. Damon Broyles, about "Why Digital/Innovation leaders must reduce burdens on healthcare staff, Incubating healthtech startups to align with community needs, Serendipitous collisions in healthcare innovation ecosystems, and more...""

January 19, 2023

TDP 87: RWJBarnabas Health’s VP, Digital Health Systems, Brian Dobosh: Achieving Epic’s perfect 10 gold star ranking and why your EHR interoperability framework should be like an onion

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with RWJBarnabas Health's VP, Digital Health Systems, Brian Dobosh, about "Achieving Epic’s perfect 10 gold star ranking, implementing a feedback intake process to scale innovation, and why your EHR interoperability framework should be like an onion"

January 11, 2023

TDP 86: U of Iowa’s CMIO, Dr. James Blum: Practical implementation of AI and Predictive Modeling for Personalized Care, Improving Patient Access to Care, Focusing Less on Tech Specs and More on Outcomes

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with University of Iowa's CMIO, Dr. James Blum, about "Practical implementation of AI and Predictive Modeling for Personalized Care, Improving Patient Access to Care, Focusing Less on Tech Specs and More on Outcomes, and more..."

December 20, 2022

TDP 85: Atrium Health’s VP, Innovation, Todd Dunn: Building an Innovation System to Scale Impact Across a Health System, Conceptualizing a Multidimensional Consumer and Painstorming Before Brainstorming

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Atrium Health's VP of Innovation, Todd Dunn, about "Building an Innovation System to Scale Impact Across a Health System, Conceptualizing a Multidimensional Consumer, Painstorming Before Brainstorming, and more..."

December 14, 2022

TDP 84: U of New Mexico's CMIO, Dr. Dusadee Sarangarm: Leveraging Human-Centered Design and Health Literacy to Deliver Digital Experiences Your Mom Can Use and Providing Patient Education in the world of Dr. Google

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with the University of Rochester Medical Center's CMIO, Dr. Gregg Nicandri, about "VR Training to Improve Surgical Quality, Eliminating the Mouse and Keyboard to Streamline Clinical Documentation, SDoH for Equitable Access to Care"

December 8, 2022

TDP 83: U of Rochester Medical Center CMIO Dr. Gregg Nicandri: VR Training to Improve Surgical Quality, Eliminating the Mouse + Keyboard to Streamline Clinical Documentation, SDoH for Equitable Access to Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with the University of Rochester Medical Center's CMIO, Dr. Gregg Nicandri, about "VR Training to Improve Surgical Quality, Eliminating the Mouse and Keyboard to Streamline Clinical Documentation, SDoH for Equitable Access to Care"

November 30, 2022

TDP 82: Intermountain Healthcare's Mona Baset: Building a Team of Automation Designers, Creating Digital Coworkers & Using Automation to Improve Empathy

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Intermountain Healthcare's Mona Baset about "Building a Team of Automation Designers, Creating Digital Coworkers & Using Automation to Improve Empathy."

November 8, 2022

TDP 81: Catholic Health's Michael Mainiero: Using Trauma as Jet Fuel for Work, Establishing a Digital Culture, and the Importance of Empathetic Design

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Catholic Health's Michael Mainiero about "Using Trauma as Jet Fuel for Work, Establishing a Digital Culture, and the Importance of Empathetic Design"

October 25, 2022

TDP 80: Hoag’s Kathy Azeez-Narain: Removing Friction Through Personalized Healthcare Experiences & Using Technology to Better Align Patients, Providers & Payers

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Hoag's Kathy Azeez-Narain about "Removing Friction Through Personalized Healthcare Experiences & Using Technology to Better Align Patients, Providers & Payers"

September 28, 2022

TDP Ep. 79: MultiCare's Dr. Michael Han: Urologist-turned-Chief Medical Information Officer, Connecting Care to Patients in Underserved Communities & Why Subtracting from Workflow is Necessary for Innovation

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with MultiCare's Dr. Michael Han about his journey becoming a "Chief Medical Information Officer, Connecting Care to Patients in Underserved Communities & Why Subtracting from Workflow is Necessary for Innovation"

September 14, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 78: Sara Vaezy: How Providence Ideates, Incubates & Spins Out Health Tech Startups and Creating Personalized Omni-Channel Consumer Experiences

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Sara Vaezy about "How Providence Ideates, Incubates & Spins Out Health Tech Startups, Creating Personalized Omni-Channel Consumer Experiences & Leveraging Digital Transformation to Evolve Policy."

August 10, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 77: Tony Ambrozie: Applying Digital & Leadership Principles from Disney and AMEX to Transform the Healthcare Consumer Experience

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Tony Ambrozie about "Applying Digital & Leadership Principles from Disney and AMEX to Transform the Healthcare Consumer Experience.""

July 26, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 76: Sanjay Malaviya: Building the #1 Patient Safety Software Company and Why Being a People-First Company Leads to Customer Happiness

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Sanjay Malaviya about "Building the #1 Patient Safety Software Company and Why Being a People-First Company Leads to Customer Happiness."

July 19, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 75: Ben Chao: Launching a Health System Venture Fund, Implementing Digital Care Journeys & Leveraging Asynchronous Digital Care

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Ben Chao about "Launching a Health System Venture Fund, Implementing Digital Care Journeys & Leveraging Asynchronous Digital Care."

July 5, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 74: Dr. Patrick A. Woodard: Physician Tech Entrepreneur-Turned-Chief Digital Officer and What Healthcare Leaders Can Learn from Musical Orchestra

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. Patrick A. Woodard about his journey as a "Physician Tech Entrepreneur-Turned Chief Digital Officer and What Healthcare Leaders Can Learn from Musical Orchestra"

June 21, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 73: Mike McSherry: Spinning a Digital Health Company out of a Health System and Building the Operating System for Prescribing Digital Health Apps

In this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Mike McSherry, Co-founder & CEO of Xealth about "Spinning a Digital Health Company out of a Health System and Building the Operating System for Prescribing Digital Health Apps".

June 14, 2022

The Digital Patient Ep. 72: Dr. David Houghton: Using Digital Health to Deliver a Better Consumer Experience than Amazon, Achieve Parity of Care and Reach Vulnerable Populations

In this episode of the SeamlessMD Podcast, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Dr. David Houghton, Medical Director, Digital Medicine & Chief, Division of Movement and Memory Disorders, Department of Neurology at Ochsner Health, about "Using Digital Health to Deliver a Better Consumer Experience than Amazon, Achieve Parity of Care and Reach Vulnerable Populations".

May 31, 2022


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TDP 171: UofU Health’s Laura Marquez: Dark Green v. Light Green Dollars For ROI, Why Healthcare Leaders Need to be More Comfortable Killing Old Tech, and How Patients are the Most Underutilized Care Team Members
March 21, 2025

TDP 171: UofU Health’s Laura Marquez: Dark Green v. Light Green Dollars For ROI, Why Healthcare Leaders Need to be More Comfortable Killing Old Tech, and How Patients are the Most Underutilized Care Team Members

On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Laura Marquez, Sr. Director for Digital Transformation at University of Utah Health, about "Dark Green v. Light Green Dollars For ROI, Why Healthcare Leaders Need to be More Comfortable Killing Old Tech, How Patients are the Most Underutilized Care Team Members, and more..."

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On this special solo episode of The Digital Patient, Josh and Alan recap their experience at HIMSS 2025 in Las Vegas, covering the biggest trends in AI, digital health, and interoperability while sharing some conference misadventures, from navigating Vegas casinos to the Great Vegas Waffle mishap at the opening reception.

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On this episode of The Digital Patient, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO of SeamlessMD, and colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Joey Seliski, Director, Technology Strategy and Digital Health at Allegheny Health Network, and Dr. James Solava, Medical Director, Clinical Informatics at Allegheny Health Network, about "Piloting 3 AI Scribes at Once, Reducing Friction for Clinicians to Use AI, Rethinking Medical Education in the World of AI, and more..."

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