Digital Patient Podcast

SeamlessMD Podcast - Episode 29 - Using Digital Patient Engagement for Post-op Monitoring

January 19, 2021



In this episode of the SeamlessMD Podcast, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Kayla Sabharwal, MBA, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD on "Using Digital Patient Engagement for Post-op Monitoring". See the full show notes below for details.

Ms. Kayla Sabharwal, MBA, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD

Dr. Joshua Liu (@joshuapliu), Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD

Episode 29 – Show notes:

[1:07] Ms. Sabharwal sharestwo of her favorite healthcare initiatives she worked on while at Ernst &Young (EY) – a provincial review of electronic health record (EHR) systems and“Robotic Process Automation” (RPA), where repetitive transactional processessuch as the submission of invoices to the Ministry were mapped and automated;

[5:39] Ms. Sabharwaldiscusses the biggest challenges she faced while working on said healthcare initiatives,such as dealing with fiscal & resource constraints;

[6:37] Ms. Sabharwal talksabout the SeamlessMD Supercluster Project, a federally-funded initiative drivenby Canada’s technology & digital supercluster for Innovation, Science, andEconomic Development, and how it enables Canadian hospitals to usemachine-learning-based digital patient engagement to create predictive modelsfor outcomes such as readmission;

[10:54] Why thesupercluster project uses a more generalized care pathway compared to acustomized surgical pathway to accommodate all surgical patients;

[13:20] How hospitalstypically nominate 1-2 representatives from each surgery group to provideinsight and feedback on the generalized pathway;

[18:28] Why EHRintegration is crucial for post-op monitoring so providers can launch SeamlessMDfrom within their charting system (eg Epic, Cerner, Meditech, etc.), improvingthe utilization of the application;

[21:56] How Ms. Sabharwalhas developed communication strategies for providers to educate patients aboutSeamlessMD, improving overall adoption of the platform;

[24:16] How success isdefined for post-op monitoring in various ways, such as provider feedback, aswell as patient activation & engagement rates (i.e. adoption rate, survey responserate);

[26:08] How post-opmonitoring works with digital patient engagement by collecting patient recovery& symptom data, making this data available for their healthcare team todetermine whether follow-up visits are needed, and by providing patients arecommendation based on their input to empower them to become an activeparticipant in their own care and recovery;

[30:28] Why incorporatingnew workflows or optimizing old ones is challenging due to the sheer number ofstakeholders (administrators, IT, healthcare team, etc.) necessary and howexcellent communication helps with this process;

[28:27] —> Lightning Round / Fast 5 Questions

Q1: What is your favorite book/book you’ve gifted the most?

A1: “Why Buddhism Is True”, a book by Robert Wright that connects principles of Buddhism to modern psychology and brings them together in a really interesting way.

Q2: What is your favorite movie / TV show?

A2: Friends

Q3: What is something in healthcare you believe that others may find insane?

A3: It’s weird how so much of things in healthcare are still paper-based considering how integrated technology is into our society, as well as how little access patients have to their own medical data.

Q4: Super strength, super speed, or reading other people’s minds?

A4: Reading minds!

Q5: One hobby/activity that you’ve gotten into since the pandemic?

A5: Started playing piano again after not playing since I was a child!

SeamlessMD Podcast - Episode 29 - Using Digital Patient Engagement for Post-op Monitoring

Posted by:
January 19, 2021



In this episode of the SeamlessMD Podcast, Dr. Joshua Liu, Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD, and marketing colleague, Alan Sardana, chat with Kayla Sabharwal, MBA, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD on "Using Digital Patient Engagement for Post-op Monitoring". See the full show notes below for details.

Ms. Kayla Sabharwal, MBA, Customer Success Manager at SeamlessMD

Dr. Joshua Liu (@joshuapliu), Co-founder & CEO at SeamlessMD

Episode 29 – Show notes:

[1:07] Ms. Sabharwal sharestwo of her favorite healthcare initiatives she worked on while at Ernst &Young (EY) – a provincial review of electronic health record (EHR) systems and“Robotic Process Automation” (RPA), where repetitive transactional processessuch as the submission of invoices to the Ministry were mapped and automated;

[5:39] Ms. Sabharwaldiscusses the biggest challenges she faced while working on said healthcare initiatives,such as dealing with fiscal & resource constraints;

[6:37] Ms. Sabharwal talksabout the SeamlessMD Supercluster Project, a federally-funded initiative drivenby Canada’s technology & digital supercluster for Innovation, Science, andEconomic Development, and how it enables Canadian hospitals to usemachine-learning-based digital patient engagement to create predictive modelsfor outcomes such as readmission;

[10:54] Why thesupercluster project uses a more generalized care pathway compared to acustomized surgical pathway to accommodate all surgical patients;

[13:20] How hospitalstypically nominate 1-2 representatives from each surgery group to provideinsight and feedback on the generalized pathway;

[18:28] Why EHRintegration is crucial for post-op monitoring so providers can launch SeamlessMDfrom within their charting system (eg Epic, Cerner, Meditech, etc.), improvingthe utilization of the application;

[21:56] How Ms. Sabharwalhas developed communication strategies for providers to educate patients aboutSeamlessMD, improving overall adoption of the platform;

[24:16] How success isdefined for post-op monitoring in various ways, such as provider feedback, aswell as patient activation & engagement rates (i.e. adoption rate, survey responserate);

[26:08] How post-opmonitoring works with digital patient engagement by collecting patient recovery& symptom data, making this data available for their healthcare team todetermine whether follow-up visits are needed, and by providing patients arecommendation based on their input to empower them to become an activeparticipant in their own care and recovery;

[30:28] Why incorporatingnew workflows or optimizing old ones is challenging due to the sheer number ofstakeholders (administrators, IT, healthcare team, etc.) necessary and howexcellent communication helps with this process;

[28:27] —> Lightning Round / Fast 5 Questions

Q1: What is your favorite book/book you’ve gifted the most?

A1: “Why Buddhism Is True”, a book by Robert Wright that connects principles of Buddhism to modern psychology and brings them together in a really interesting way.

Q2: What is your favorite movie / TV show?

A2: Friends

Q3: What is something in healthcare you believe that others may find insane?

A3: It’s weird how so much of things in healthcare are still paper-based considering how integrated technology is into our society, as well as how little access patients have to their own medical data.

Q4: Super strength, super speed, or reading other people’s minds?

A4: Reading minds!

Q5: One hobby/activity that you’ve gotten into since the pandemic?

A5: Started playing piano again after not playing since I was a child!

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