A new computerized system, designed to help patients prepare for their operations before surgery and to help monitor their recovery afterwards, is proving to be highly effective.The Toronto East General Hospital tested the platform, called SeamlessMD, in a trial involving 70 thoracic surgery patients that began December 2013. The test had already resulted in fewer missed appointments.It also reduced patient anxiety – not a minor task, when patients are often worried sick about appointments, preparing for the OR and conducting wound-care in the weeks following surgery.“We surveyed 30 of the patients, and we got a 100 percent satisfaction rate,” said Mari Iromoto, director of improvement and innovation at Toronto East General.Iromoto noted that in a three-month timeframe prior to the trial, there were six appointment cancellations for the three participating surgeons. By contrast, during the trial of patients using the app, there were zero no-shows.Read more at Canadian Healthcare Technology.