Discover features and capabilities of SeamlessMD Digital Care Journeys
Fully customizable, out-of-the box care plans for all clinical areas.
Easy EHR integration for faster patient enrollment and monitoring.
Designed with the best of the fields of health literacy, adult education, and online accessibility
Engage, monitor, and stay connected with patients across their healthcare journeys
Keep patients on track before and after surgery
Empower patients to be partners in their care from start to finish
Engage and Monitor Patients across a broad range of chronic conditions
Track patient recovery and prevent readmissions, ED visits, phone calls, and more
Access Out-of-the-Box, Evidence-Based, Care Plan Content for MyChart Care Companion
Increase Revenue and Conversion to Surgery by Automating Bariatric Referral to Surgery
Power your ERAS 2.0 program at scale
Engage patients and collect Patient Reported Outcomes across the entire continuum of care
Join leading Ontario Hospitals in tackling surgical backlog with this OTN-verified solution
The Digital Patient - Highlighting stories and insights from leaders and experts at the frontline of digital patient engagement
In-depth reports, best practices, and actionable guides on digital patient engagement
Toolkits, eBooks, expert panel discussions and other in-depth resources for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programs
See how leading health systems have used SeamlessMD to improve outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance patient experience
Calculate the return on investment (ROI) you could experience across length of stay, readmissions, costs, and more with SeamlessMD
Over 40+ clinical studies on outcomes, patient experience, and costs, developed by leading academic medical centers
Events and recorded sessions on emerging digital patient engagement best practices and the latest trending topics in healthcare
The team that is working to ensure every patient gets the right care at the right time
The experienced leaders who are driving the mission forward
Join us in building the future of healthcare
A look at our partners and their success stories
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